User-centered design
Well-loved products
Research + design + validation
My value to your team
20+ years experience
I’ve done all things design – with an eye for clean visuals and a dedication to user efficiency
Devotion to learning
Constantly looking for new insights. A passion for learning – from our users, our market, our internal teams
Focus on collaboration
Building trust and communicating respect for what everyone brings to the table
Business value
Simplifying adoption and improving retention to grow ROI in competitive markets
My design process
Product definition
• Discuss the value propositions and initial requirements and concepts of the tool, its purpose and its users
• Interview the stakeholders
• Review the existing product, if any -
Initial research
• User surveys and interviews to understand their current experience and their needs
• Competitive research to see industry standards and to identify opportunities -
• Distill research and note key insights to define the product vision
• Develop user personas for primary user segments
• Write user stories and map user journey to document their motivations and actions -
• Design the current and ideal workflows
• Draft wireframes to determine user flow and content placement
• Create high-resolution prototypes for review and user testing -
Users validation
• Full user testing to refine the experience
• Mini-session testing to resolve design questions
• Quantitative analytics to prove ROI -
Development partnership
• Regular meetings with the dev team to review screens and discuss best build solutions
• Availability to answer questions and to help resolve issues as they arise